This study guide will prepare you for the MCTS 70-526 exam, which is the second required exam for the MCTS Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications certification. This exam tests your ability to build Windows applications in the .NET environment using Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, Microsoft Visual C# 2005, or Microsoft Visual C++ 2005. Practice exams are also included, which will allow you to answer questions in the same format that the test will use on exam day, and will provide in-depth instructional feedback on each question to thoroughly cover every subject you'll need to master.
The test that this series prepares students to take is a part of earning the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications certification.
This series is for anyone who wants to achieve MCTS 70-526 certification.
- Flash-based instructional demonstrations applying course concepts.
- Instructional audio with graphics highlighting key points.
- Exercises allow learners to practice in the actual application being studied.
- A Course Topics list contains active hyperlinks, permitting quick access to specific topics.
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- Search text enables learners to rapidly search all text within a course to easily retrieve information required.
- Courses challenge the learner with a variety of question formats, including multi-step simulations, true/false, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank.
- A skill assessment generates a customized learning path based on the results of a pre-test.
- A glossary provides a reference for definitions of unfamiliar terms.
- Bookmarking tracks the learner's progress in a course.
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