This series explains how to support users and troubleshoot desktop applications on a Windows XP operating system. Courses in this series cover configuring and troubleshooting both applications and connectivity, as well as resolving usability issues and configuring application security.
The test that this series prepares students to take is a part of earning Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status and the Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) on Microsoft Windows XP certification.
This series is for anyone preparing for the Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System MCDST 70-272 exam, or for anyone who wants to learn more about troubleshooting applications on Windows XP.
- A glossary provides a reference for definitions of unfamiliar terms.
- A skill assessment generates a customized learning path based on the results of a pre-test.
5 items
3.0 hour(s)
3.0 hour(s)
2.0 hour(s)
3.0 hour(s)
2.0 hour(s)
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