Customer Testimonials

" When I took over the IT department at Burns Pet Nutrition I was given a lot of responsibility. Obviously this responsibility required a certain level of knowledge, some of which I did not have. After a lot of searching on the internet for an appropriate and cost effective way to get the training required in order to carry out my tasks I came across IT Certification. It did not take long to decide that the methods of learning described were ideal for me. I could do the course at work or at home, in my time and at any time. The course material is easy to use and easy to access and keeps you aware of your progress.

So far everything is as I would expect from an online course, just what I wanted.

Thanks "

Mike Howles,

" The initial conversations with the account manager where helpful in determining the best course to meet my needs, providing clear details of the course content and costing.

Once the account was open, accessing the system has been easy and the support has been responsive and helpful. The course documents and workflow was very easy to follow and helped guide me through the subjects.

Regards "

Tony , Fusion People

" Throughout my application and then onto beginning of my course I was very pleased with the level of service that I received. The course advisor was easy to talk to and very helpful in outlining courses that would be good for me providing all the information I needed. Any questions I had either by phone or e-mail were quickly dealt with.

There were no hidden agendas or costs and once I started my course I was not bombarded with daily e-mails or phone calls offering me more great deals.

The structure and course content makes it very clear and easy to understand, and is set out in a very logical way. I am getting on well with my courses and enjoy sitting down to do them.

Thank-you for the level of service you offer, I have found it most helpful! "

Patrick Rickerby

" I have been very happy with the course so far. I have had great service from my initial enquiry right through. The course is well designed and informative with plenty of useful hints and tips. I plan to use your services again in the future to study for further exams.

Regards "

Pauline Moore

" As far as I am concerned I always get an answer to my needs. I find the online training course really good and helpful with the simulations and tests. I am really happy with it, as I am learning a lot despite the fact that the Microsoft Exchange and the SQL are totally new and challenging I think it is overall ok.

Thanks, "

Inza Bakus

" Dear Sir or Madam,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I've passed both my A+ exams, and I'm now a certificate holder, plus I'm getting experience with a Leicester based computer re-cycling company the Cooke e-Learning Foundation who refurbish used computers to sell to the public, thus providing cheap PCs for beginners in IT. I thank you for providing me with excellent training programs, which I've recommended to students setting out for their A+.

Thanks again from Robin Worth. "

Robin Worth

" I work away from home most of the time. I have time on my hands, spending most evenings in my hotel room. I have study time but I'm really not motivated enough to trawl though a book, (have you ever seen the size of those A+ books!) So I needed an online course, which was structured, easy to follow, with good support when I needed it (usually late evenings). I looked around, asked around, surfed the net etc. It was that really caught my attention. This course met all my requirements. I completed the form on the website and got myself a free trial (which looked good) and requested more information. I was contacted the following day and after a relaxed but very helpful chat I was happy to enrol for my course. The cost was, surprisingly, a lot less that I had expected. But, would it be any good? Would it work for me? When I get stuck at 1:30am will someone help? Will it capture my (short) attention and keep me motivated to the end? ……. The answer to all of these questions was a definite yes! The course is very well structured and packed full of relevant and accurate information, focusing on small but dedicated subject lessons. It's like a good book that you just cant put down, the type where you look forward to the next chapter or in this case the next lesson. The content of each lesson was so good that I didn't need to use the 24 hour mentor very often, but on the few occasions that I did I was very impressed. The response was instant and totally accurate, these guys are really there to help, yes even at 1:30am!

I have now passed my CompTIA A+ and have just enrolled for 2 more courses, can't wait to get started. Network + is my next target! "

Steve Horton, Comp TIA A+
Application Specialist, Capio Healthcare UK.

" To say the course helped me out is an understatement. I took the net+ course, online home study last May/June after failing to get the job I applied for in the Networks field.

To give you some background: Between 2001 and 2006 I was in the sales and account management field and I got completely disillusioned with the stress and constant struggle to make targets. I never wanted to be in sales, I just found myself in that field after leaving school not knowing which path to take.

Anyway, after 5 years I started looking at I.T jobs as that's where I wanted to be, only at 28 years old and no previous qualifications or experience I never even got an interview for basic positions I applied for. I then managed to get an interview with a network solutions company but failed again for the very same reasons. Following that disappointment I decided to ask for some feedback and they recommended I look into the CompTIA NET+ exam.

Two weeks later, I had bought the course after some excellent service from "Danny" and I began studying. Then in October 2006 another position as a "Network Technician" came up at the same company I was previously refused from. I went for the interview having only ready half the course and was successful.

I am now studying toward my CCNA and earning plenty of money in the process. I have never actually taken the NET+ exam, the fact I had gone and learned off my own back was enough for the company to take me on. I'm very happy with the course and the service.

The best part of the course was the interaction and simulation parts.

Regards, "

Daniel Cross

" Dear Customer Care Team

When I first contacted IT Certification team at Microsoft I didn't really know where to begin on a career in IT, however the Microsoft team proved to be incredibly helpful. It was of particular relief to me that I was able to spread my payments out interest free. They were also very encouraging and understanding. Having completed the E.C.D.L course electronically I was very excited about beginning this course on line. The graphics, display and layout of the course didn't disappoint. I did feel I was in at the deep end to begin with, but the mentors were very helpful and didn't seem to mind how basic and banal a question was.

Many thanks "

Jason Davis

" Hi there - I am very pleased with the way the course is going for me, the ability to study wherever and whenever I want to is invaluable for myself as time is in short supply at the moment. The mentors available online don't rest until they have worked out a solution for your particular question or problem. The sales guys at your firm were also very helpful when I was deciding on the course that was right for me and I hope to be working my way through more of the online resources over the next few years.

Many Thanks, "

Matt Shepherd



Microsoft Certification © 2008.

Please Note: We are not Microsoft. We are a training company that provides training materials and classes to gain your Microsoft certification.